Offer Vertical Pre-Charged Water System Tank - 32 Gallon Capacity, Model# HT32
Designed to keep pump starts to a minimum. Increases pump life and saves energy. Outer steel shell is the air container; inner aquacell is a butyl diaphragm and polypropylene liner. This separates air from water, preventing corrosion and bacterial growth-in compliance with FDA regulations. U.S.A. Material: Outer steel shell; inner aquacell butyl diaphragm; polypropylene liner, Max. Capacity (gal.): 32, Max. PSI: 50, Discharge Port (in.): 1, Dimensions D x H (in.): 15 x 48 Drawdown 20/40 PSI: 11.2 Gallons Drawdown 30/50 PSI: 9.9 Gallons Size: 1in. Discharge Precharge: 30
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